Full funding
This is not an official UK Government site but simply serves as a tool for communicating COP28 aspirations and possible UK proposals for consideration
A PSECC Ltd initiative for the Labour Party of Great Britain – we recommend bringing Energy & Water back into Public ownership by the Government
Governments “Own the Resources” receive funding and receive revenues
Net Zero
Sustainable, Reliable Energy for a Net Zero economy – community renewables
Own the Solar Radiation, Wind, Waste, Biomass & Tidal
The UK as a Country is broken and the UK Labour party can bring about great positive transformable change – there is a need for Sustainable, low cost energy to be provided to it’s people. The UK Government must be the major shareholder in all Energy projects working closely with the Private Sector and COP28 initiatives.
PSECC Ltd are trying to work with the Labour party and bring about that change.
Some great initiatives have been forged in COP28 – COP28 videos
COP28 website
COP28 Presidency launches landmark initiatives accelerating the energy transition
£ ten’s of Billions Revenue generation for the UK Labour Government to be used for the people – we provide full funding & technologies
A PSECC Ltd initiative
Innovative Solutions for a Developing & Developed World
Over Four Decades of Experience & Success
Global Project Management • Infrastructure Development • Finance
With an accelerated global population growth exacerbated by consumption habits, there is an immediate need for countries to adopt Renewable Energies, Transition economies to Net Zero and waste management Circular Economy technologies to mitigate the consequences of climate change.
The UK as a Country is broken and there is a need for Sustainable, low cost energy to be provided to it’s people.
Our Our International, USA and China partners can lead the design and implementation of all the required Renewable Energy projects and Waste-To-Energy technologies diverting waste into clean energy with active projects in the UK, Asia and Africa. The implementation process we handle includes planning, engineering, procurement, contract management, and funding.
At SARRALLE, for example they work to manage in the most efficient way the waste resulted from the industrial activity and obtain energy from it. We work close to the best technologist in the waste recovery area, giving the best solutions adapted to our customer needs.
SARRALLE supplies engineering and construction services in :
Urban solid waste treatment.
Energy recovery.
Sludge Treatment.
Long-Term Benefits
Cutting CO2 & Methane & ZERO Waste – ZERO Landfill – Revenue generation
A cultural shift is required – We specialise in Renewable Energy Joint Ventures with Government Councils in the UK & other clients – we provide full funding & UK Councils receive Revenues of between £150 million to £200 million over twenty-five years years from the Waste Gasification Power Plants and other Renewables such as Wind Farms and Solar Farms in a JOINT Venture approach to Net Zero.
The leading countries for installed renewable energy in 2022 were China, the U.S., and Brazil. China was the leader in renewable energy installations, with a capacity of around 1,161 gigawatts. The U.S., in second place, had a capacity of around 352 gigawatts. Renewable energy is an important step in addressing climate change and mitigating the consequences of this phenomenon.
1. China
2. USA
3. Brazil
4. India
5. Germany
6. Japan
7. Canada
8. Spain
9. France
10. Italy
Leading countries in installed renewable energy capacity worldwide in 2022(in gigawatts)
No requirement for Council or Governments to pay back the funding – the projects pay for themselves.
FUNDING from Europe, USA, Asia – CHINA arranged by PSECC Ltd
Facilitated by Netzero 1.5 Ltd / PSECC Ltd & EcoGen
Sustainable Urban Living. This video explains how the UK can shift into a Circular Economy through the adoption of our plants that has functionality in the waste sector and lead to Sustainable Urban & Rural Life – Organisational Structure with Whole Cost accounting for Ecological & Social systems, Natural Capital.
Net Zero – ZERO Waste – ZERO Landfill
Methane & Carbon Dioxide emission reductions
Zero Waste – Zero Landfill
Siemens, along with Bio Carbon Fuels offers this proposal to construct the County Environmental Education Centres with a Total Recovery Facility® (“TRF®”) inside, which will produce building products and renewable electricity and liquid fuels in the second and third phases of this project.
This project information package is intended to provide Counties with information regarding a proposed Environmental Education Centre that will convert MSW and other waste streams.
Netzero or 1.5 Degree C is our target for Councils
ZERO Waste – ZERO Landfill – plant is within the Total Recovery Facility® (“TRF®”) above & Educational Centre / Manufacturing onsite & Food production in Green Houses using carbon dioxide from the waste plants.
Working with Net Zero 1.5 Ltd & PSECC Ltd, are able to provide funding for all Renewable Energy & Waste projects in the UK and Internationally.
Siemens EPC
Siemens have built over 1,000 Power Plants globally and are the EPC company to build the plants.
New 100% Recycling & Gasification plants
This is an opportunity for all Councils in the UK to have Zero Waste – Zero Landfill and also all Renewable Energy projects. Full funding provided.
Tidal Lagoons
We had provided the funding for the Swansea Bay Tidal Lagoon and require other developers to come forward with Tidal Lagoon projects requiring funding.
Solar Farms
Our staff have over twenty-eight years experience in Climate Change Mitigation. Experience of writing City Energy Policy under Agenda 21 Sustainable Development programming. County Energy Coordination in the UK & UK Waste Strategy input.
We developed the “Resource Ownership” concept for Councils to adopt and utilise Solar, Wind, Biomass and Waste-to-Energy from resources within their boundaries. We provide full funding for Solar Farms, Wind Farms, Tidal Lagoons, Waste-to-Energy Gasification.
Solar PV for Council Housing & Schools
The Resource Ownership concept WE DEVELOPED IN 2004 is a very powerful one for Councils – each Council can earn additional Revenues from Solar PV & Solar Farms.
We had advised Chichester & Hampshire County Councils and many more City Councils such as Bristol & Portsmouth since 1995 on Energy Policy, Strategy, Energy Coordination and Renewable Energy developments together with funding options.
Make the change now over to 100% Renewable Energy for Council Housing stock & Schools.
Wind Farms
All Councils in the UK should consider owning their own Wind Farms in order to provide lower cost electricity to their populations and also receive revenues. Developers are encouraged to come forward with projects for funding.
PSECC Ltd & Net Zero 1.5 Ltd provide full funding for all Renewable Energy & Waste-to-Energy Gasification plants & 100% Recycling of glass, Metals & Ash Power Plants.
Funding is in the region of £60 million to £3 Billion per project – US EXIMBANK funding the interest rate is very favourably 5%. We can also link into Morgan Stanley Bank for Private investment for projects but this would be at 5.5%.
Africa Waste Plants
Zero Waste – Zero Landfill
Agreements have been reached in Kisumu in Kenya and also Lusaka in Zambia to have our plants & Funding, also active in Brazil, Mexico, Kakamega, Kenya, Ghana, Nigeria, Italy, Bulgaria , Ethiopia & Egypt.#
Our Credentials
Our Credentials & References
Our Credentials & References gained over twenty-six years in the Climate Change Mitigation programmes in the UK & internationally.
Copyright © 2021 netzero15.co.uk – All Rights Reserved
Website design by Alan Brewer MSc PSECC Ltd
Central Office 02392 – 471860 or 07510 – 977203 & Development +44 07510 977203
Email alan@psecc.co.uk